Sexual Harassment: What Should You Do If You are Harassed?

Sexual Harassment: What Should You Do If You are Harassed?

No one should have to deal with sexual harassment. It can make you feel uncomfortable, and it’s a violation of your rights. It also can put your job at risk. Sadly, it happens more than you might think.

An offhand joke may feel offensive, but it can be laughed off. On the other hand, it is pervasive and won’t go away. If you’re being sexually harassed, you need help. A sexual harassment lawyer will know the laws, and they can help with your claim. Hiring a sexual harassment attorney in Beaumont, TX is your best option.

What is sexual harassment?

First, you need to know what it is. Sexual harassment takes many forms. It can be jokes. It can be comments about your body, your clothes, or your age. Inappropriate touching and requests for sexual favors are also forms. You may even be threatened with the loss of your job if you resist.

Not only can it can make you feel uncomfortable, it make it hard to get your work done. But recognizing what’s happening can be hard.

There is often some teasing in the workplace. Jokes are common, and usually not problematic. One or two instances of rudeness or offensive remarks are not sexual harassment. It is defined as pervasive and ongoing. It’s directed at one person. A company can’t stop all flirty comments and jokes. But it can protect those who are targeted.

Many actions can count as sexual harassment, but some do not. For example, compliments about your work are not sexual harassment, but compliments about your looks can be. A person may act inappropriately or make you feel bad. But one instance is not enough to count. If the person stops their behavior when you ask, it’s not sexual harassment.

You may be uncertain if it happened. This is a tricky thing to gauge when you feel uncomfortable. A sexual harassment lawyer can help. They will look over your case and answer your questions. It’s normal to be confused, but your lawyer will help clarify your situation. If you have a claim, they can take it on. You’ll be on your way towards finally getting the relief you need.

What steps should I take?

There are several steps to take if you think you are being sexually harassed. First, ask the offender to stop. You may feel uncomfortable doing this, but it often works. When you speak up, they will probably stop. If they do, it isn’t the issue.

Sometimes, the offender won’t stop their behavior. That’s when it’s time for your next step. You must report to Human Resources, even if you’d rather not. Your company’s H.R. department may be able to make the person stop.

Reporting to HR also creates a trail of evidence about how you are being treated. It shows the courts you tried to make the offender stop. Even if HR does nothing, your lawyer can use this. But you must give the company a chance to respond. Sometimes they will, sometimes they won’t. And if they don’t, they’ll be liable if it happens again.

Always leave a written trail. Follow up any verbal reports with a written communication. This makes it easier to prove your case in court. Verbal reports are hard to prove, written reports are hard to disprove.

If talking to HR doesn’t help, then reach out to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). They handle claims of sexual harassment. They are there to help you and provide some protection against your employer.

Sexual harassment attorneys can help, too. They know how the law works. They know that being sexually harassed makes things difficult. The right lawyer can make all the difference. Don’t wait around or let the harassment get worse. Call a sexual harassment lawyer in Beaumont, TX.

Do I need a sexual harassment lawyer in Beaumont, TX?

It is a big deal. Being mistreated can make you feel terrible. It can make work hard. Many people choose to file with the EEOC and then leave it at that. But you may need more help. A sexual harassment lawyer will put your needs at the top of their list. Don’t do this alone. Hire a sexual harassment lawyer in Beaumont, TX for your case.  For more information on Sexual Harassment laws in Texas click here.

Contact us at Brent Coon and Associates. We can be there to help. We know the laws about sexual harassment and can provide attorneys for your case. Contact us today!



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    Beaumont, TX 77701

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    Suite 300
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    Suite 611
    Burbank, California 91505

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    Suite 905
    Denver, CO 80210-2500

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    Suite 2000
    Philadelphia, PA 19102


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